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Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 11th November 2023

Welcome to EP88 Malaysia. We highly prioritize your privacy and are dedicated to protecting your personal data. This Privacy Policy elucidates the ways in which we collect, use, disclose, and protect your data when you visit our website and utilize our services. By using our platform, you are consenting to the practices and terms outlined in this policy.

Data Collection

Personal Information: When you register on our platform, we may request your personal details, such as your name, email address, contact number, date of birth, and postal address.

Financial Information: In order to facilitate transactions, we may gather payment-related data, including credit card information, banking details, and other financial information.

Browsing Information: We automatically collect information related to your browsing activities, such as your IP address, device type, browser type, and operating system.

Cookies: We employ cookies to improve your user experience and track user behavior on our website. You are in control of your cookie preferences by adjusting your browser settings

How We Utilize Your Information

We employ your data for the following purposes:

Account Management: To establish and manage your user account.

Payment Processing: To execute transactions and process payments.

Personalization: To offer personalized content, promotions, and exclusive offers.

Security: To enhance website security and protect against fraudulent activities.

Customer Support: To respond to your queries, feedback, or concerns.

Analytics: To analyze user behavior and enhance our services.

Data Sharing

We may share your information under the following circumstances:

Service Providers: We may divulge your data to reputable third-party service providers who assist us in delivering our services, such as payment processors and customer support.

Legal Obligations: We may share your data when legally mandated by government agencies or for the protection of our rights, privacy, safety, or property.

Business Transfers: In case of a merger, acquisition, or asset sale, your data may be transferred to a new owner or entity.

Your Rights

You have the following rights:

Access: You have the ability to request access to your personal information in our records

Rectification: You have the privilege of rectifying any errors in your data

Erasure: Request the deletion of your data when it is no longer necessary.

Restrict Processing: You can limit how your data is used.

Objection: Object to the processing of your data for marketing or other purposes.

Data Security

We take appropriate measures to protect your data against unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction. We employ industry-standard security protocols to ensure the safety of your information.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns, or requests related to your privacy or this Privacy Policy, please reach out to our customer support.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We hold the privilege to modify and update this Privacy Policy. Any changes will be posted here, and it is your responsibility to periodically review this page for updates.

By utilizing our platform, you acknowledge and consent to the practices elucidated in this Privacy Policy. Your continued usage of our services indicates your acceptance of any revised policy.

This Privacy Policy was last updated on the date specified at the beginning of this document.