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Term & Conditions

Welcome to EP88 Malaysia. Before you start enjoying our exciting casino games and services, please take a moment to carefully read and understand the following Terms and Conditions. By using our website and services, you agree to abide by these terms. If players do not accept and agree with any of the terms & conditions, please do not use our platform.


You must be at least 18 years of age or the legal age for gambling in your jurisdiction, whichever is higher, to use our services.

It is your responsibility to ensure that online gambling is legal in your jurisdiction, and you are solely responsible for complying with local laws.

Account Registration

To use our services, you must create an account with accurate and up-to-date information.

You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account information, including your username and password.

You agree not to share your account information with third parties or allow others to access your account.

Deposits and Withdrawals

You can deposit funds into your account using the payment methods provided on our platform.

You can request withdrawals subject to our withdrawal policy, and we may require identity verification before processing a withdrawal.

We reserve the right to charge a processing fee for certain deposit and withdrawal methods.

Wagering Requirements

When you use our bonuses and promotions, you agree to abide by the associated wagering requirements and terms.

Failure to meet wagering requirements may result in the forfeiture of bonus funds and associated winnings.

Responsible Gambling

We encourage responsible gambling and provide self-exclusion and deposit limit tools for your use.

If you find yourself struggling with a gambling addiction, we strongly recommend seeking assistance from a professional counselor or consultant.

Prohibited Activities

You agree not to engage in any fraudulent or illegal activities while using our platform.

Cheating, collusion, or any form of unfair play is strictly prohibited.

Intellectual Property

All content and materials on our platform are protected by copyright and intellectual property laws. You may not use, reproduce, or distribute our content without our permission.

Termination of Account

We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your account if we suspect any fraudulent or inappropriate activities.

You may close your account at any time, but we will retain the right to hold any pending withdrawals and investigate any ongoing issues.

Changes to Terms and Conditions

We may update these Terms and Conditions from time to time.It is your duty to examine these conditions on a regular basis.

Dispute Resolution

Any disputes or issues should be reported to our customer support team for resolution.

In case of unresolved disputes, the laws of Malaysia will govern these Terms and Conditions.

By using EP88 Online Casino Malaysia, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these Terms and Conditions. If you have any queries or problems, please contact our customer service support.

Enjoy your gaming experience responsibly and have fun!